Disclaimer: if your hair style resembles this in any way I apologize in advance. I, in no way dislike the hair style on you, but on me, it’s another story. I would also like to apologize in advance to old people, people with or that like big hair and also people that work that the below mentioned salon. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. Now for the story!
So my close friend that also happens to be my hair dresser had to cancel my hair appointment today. This is the same hair appointment that had to be rescheduled from Saturday (see Oct 19th blog below). I am in no way upset at my friend; she has VERY good reasons for cancelling. I debated all day on whether or not to cheat on her. Now normally I am not a cheater but I felt like she would understand and not hold it against me. It’s just a cut, it’s not like I was getting a color too! Right?! And I desperately needed a hair cut! So on my way home from work this afternoon I stopped at a local walk in hair salon. Let’s call it Tanfastic Mam’s (See Disclaimer). I walk in, tell the girl I need a haircut and she takes me right back to the shampoo area. She asks “What are we getting done today?” I tell her, I want the same cut I have, but it just needs a trim and to be shaped up. She understood. And besides, I have a pretty easy short cut. It’s pretty popular, nothing too hard. So she shampoos and cuts and I can sort of tell that’s she’s pretty much doing the cut I need. The nervousness is beginning to subside. She finishes and asks if I would like to have it styled. So I figure, she’s doing pretty good so far, what the heck. She starts drying the back; yep it’s close to what I do, then moves to the side; well I’ll probably have to fix that; then turns me around and I can’t see myself in the mirror now but I’m not worried, cause what harm can she do right? So she’s finished, turns me around and I see it. OH. MY. GOSH! It’s horrible! Look how BIG it is and what are these side burns?!!! She says “It’s not too big is it?” I say “No, it’s fine.” But what I really wanted to say was “BIG? BIG is not the word, I mean, the old lady from the 80’s hair salon called and she wants her hair back!” I paid and left and the WHOLE way home I laughed at my hair. I looked in the rear view mirror and just laughed. So when I got home, I just had to take pictures! The real funny thing is, after taking pictures, I had to tame the beast down a bit because I had to go to church and I got so many compliments on the tamed hair! It’ll probably end up being an ok haircut, I just worry about the stylist because she was probably thinking as I was leaving, “oh yeah, I did REAL GOOD!”