Friday, November 30, 2007


Today my new manager wanted me to go to a Myers & Briggs Workshop to find my personality type. For those that don't know the Myers & Briggs instrument is used to help you understand your personality type. You take this assessment and after scoring it, it's supposed to tell you what type of person you are. It's supposed to help at work in that after you take this you will know more about yourself and if you know what type other people are, it can explain why they act the way they do. I was pretty sure that this was not going to tell me anything but a bunch of crap! There's no way to tell what type of personality you have by taking this assessment! After taking the assessment, here are my results.
My personality type is ISFJ and here is a small description of that personality type:
Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations. Thorough, painstaking, and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home.

Guess who is now a believer in the Myers & Briggs Instrument Assessment? For those that know me, know that description is pretty right on!!!!
Tonight I walk in my friend Leslie's house and Maggie (her 5 year old) says "Hey Kelley, you did your hair!" I said "yep, sure did" and she says "YAY, it's PURPLE!" Kids say the darnedest things!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Doing the DO!

Some of you may remember my late October hair crisis - well today it was FIXED! and fixed up REEAL GOOOD! (that's Bullitt Co for real good) Not only did my girl cut the hair right and STYLE the hair right, she also knows a little bit about color! She asked me "Do you want, oh that's red?" or "OH WOW that's RED!" I think we all can tell which one I chose!
The place - Southern Comforts Salon, just ask for Kristie!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Last Wednesday before I left work, my supervisor told me that the manager that I interviewed for a couple of weeks ago for a job that I didn't get wanted to talk to me again on Monday (yesterday). I said OK and so on Monday, I went in to talk to this manager, only it wasn't the manager, it was another BA. She said she wasn't able to be in my interview but was in all the rest. We talked, pretty casual, mostly about the job that I "didn't" get and then at the end of our talk she goes on to tell me that the person that they had offered the job to originally had gotten promoted to another dept. So I was like OK? wondering if I was the only one they wanted to talk to again. I felt good about the talk and went on about my day. So today, my supervisor comes up and tells me that they want to offer me the position now! well hot dog!!! I do believe I got some FOG around me! So write this one down folks - they said they wanted to give it to someone else, God says NOPE! They said they wanted to give it to someone that already has their degree because it's in the IT field and you can't be in the IT field without a degree, right?! God says YES you can! So who's got the declaration list.... jobs and BETTER JOBS...check....raises AND bonuses...check, check....I need the list, I just know there's more to check off!

The Dance

ok, I really need to get married just so I can do this:

Monday, November 26, 2007

My Christmas tree

I got a "new to me" Christmas tree this year that is about a foot and a half bigger than my old one. Last night I had some trouble putting it up so I had to call a friend for reinforcements! If only I had a camera last night! It was pretty comical -at one point the tree actually fell on top of me! We got it up tonight and I just finished decorating it. I had to decorate it differently than I normally do so I'm still not sure if I love it or not. I like it but I LOVED my old one!

For some reason, Coney didn't like the Santa suit I bought him! I'll keep trying though!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Recap

Things you should know about my family Thanksgiving Gatlinburg trip (Take heed folks, this might help you on your family trip!):

  • Unless you have a reservation, seating a party of 21 is sometimes difficult.
  • There are a LOT of people that celebrate Thanksgiving in Gatlinburg!
  • Two words for TN Hwy 441 : TRAFFIC CONTROL!
  • Christa thinks that guacamole can be a type of sandwich and the words “It’s the law” is a good defense when playing Scattegories!
  • My 5 year old niece Samantha has a bit of my mom in her - she gets REAL giggly when she’s sleepy.
  • My sisters will throw you straight under the bus to tell your parents something you did and got away with while living under their roof! (Good thing I'm thirty-something now and can't whoop me!)
  • The redneck reindeer hunter in the Dixie Stampede show reminded everyone of my brother PJ!

Well needless to say, the trip was good times had by all! I love being with my family, they are a lot of fun to be around! Sure we have our moments of drama but in the end we love each other and have a great time! Can't wait until Christmas! Speaking of that's what I'm going to do today - put up the Christmas tree!

Check myspace for more pics!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


This year for Thanksgiving we are doing something new. The family (18 out of 20 of us) have decided to head out to Gatlinburg, TN for the Thanksgiving holiday. We've decided to have Thanksgiving dinner at the Dixie Stampede, so I don't think we're even having turkey. I'll be leaving today after a short day at work. I'm riding with my sister, her husband and her two kids. I think I'll take flash cards so I can show Samantha the difference between a deer and a kangaroo! Keep my family in your prayer for traveling graces and I'm sure I'll have lots to write about when I get back!

I thought about trying to list all the things that I was thankful for, but suddenly realized that the list would be miles long! I can't even just list a couple of general things because I end up thinking "oh I need to mention this or that" so just know this - I'm thankful for you! Thanks for taking time out of your day to read about my little ole life! I hope you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Take time tomorrow to actually sit and be still and think about all that God has done for you and thank him for it!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my dad's 71st birthday! You wouldn't know it by looking at him but yep he's 71! Let me tell you a little about him. He's the most awesome man I know! He loves the Lord and leans on him for everything. He's faithful to his church and not just because he's the pastor, either! Besides being a father to me and my sister, he also had to be a mother to us. When my mom died, he didn't complain about how he didn't know how to raise two girls, he just did it. He's loving, caring, passionate, funny, patient (most of the time) and kind! He taught me everything I know about cooking! I am sure that the above description does not even come close to describing to who he really is! He's a wonderful dad and I love him very much! Happy Birthday Dad!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Church was really good today! God is awesome and he is doing some wonderful things at NVMC! Some days, like today, are indescribable, I mean seriously I really need a thesaurus right now!
I know I say it over and over, but I really love my church and I am honored to be a part of it! Every part of it! It will be most certainly at the top of the list of things that I am thankful for this year!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What do a kangaroo, a smoke out and an old friend have in common?

Nothing really, just thought it was a catchy title....however I am going to talk about all three!

I was talking to my sister today and she was telling me that they see deer in the field that is across from their house. One night this week Samantha (her 5 year old) was standing outside with her and says “Where'd them kangaroos go? I wanna pet one!" I think somebody's mommy needs to introduce Animal Planet to them!

Today is National Smoke Out Day. Normally people would come up to me and say, "Hey did you know today was National Smoke Out Day?" and then give me the ole "you should quit smoking" stare. But today, no one had to say that! July 1st is Kelley's Personal Smoke Out Day. Praise the Lord for Family camping trips!

I got a comment from an old friend today from my blog. I haven't seen or talked to her in years! I was so excited to hear from her. Google is amazing...but also a little scary. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pepped me up Rally

Today I called in sick to work. I felt bad all day and even went to the doctor (which I rarely do). The doctor said I have a slight sinus infection so he gave me a shot and 2 prescriptions. After I got home from the doctor, I just didn't want to do anything, I really just wanted to go to bed, but I knew we were having a pep rally tonight and I was the I in RADIATE so I went ahead and went to church. As you can see from the pic, I'm feeling much better. Some might say it was the penicillin, but I say it was the RADIATION!

Monday, November 12, 2007

God's Will

Found out today that I didn't get that job I interviewed for. No fear, I'm not too upset, this just means that God has something better for me. So that just makes me more excited - oh the anticipation, what could it be?!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today, I think the Lord told a certain Pastor to preach what he did to make a certain sister feel some conviction! Ever heard something in a messages where you're pretty sure God was talking DI-RECTLY to you? Me too.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Interview

Well, I finally had the interview for that new job. Let me tell you a little bit about the job. (I'm going to talk in UPS language now, feel free to tune out at anytime) The position I interview for sounds like a great job. It's in TTG and it's a BA position in F&A. It would be a management position but I would not have people under me. It's like all the perks of management except no one to manage! It's still in the building I'm at now, more money, MIP(BONUS!) and pretty sure discount airfare! I think the interview went well and I'm pretty sure the interviewer was impressed, mainly becuase she said "I'm impressed with you". She said hopefully I would find something out by the begining of next week! So I am praying for God's will. If he gives it to me, PTL, if not then there's a better one that will come along! I remember a few years back I had interviewed for a job and I prayed and prayed that God just let me have it. To me, it seemed perfect, more money, better hours, etc. But I didn't get it and at first I was kinda like "God, why didn't you give me that job?" but a few months after that, another job came open in a different department and he gave me that one and it was way better than the other one! SO, because I'm such a quick study, I know to pray his will instead of my own cause, I mean, HELLO, he knows WAY better than me!!!
"Lord, have your will with this job! please let it be your will, please let it be your will!" HA-HA

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Shipping Error

So yesterday I came home to find a cute little UPS box at my door! I was so excited, I could hardly wait to get in the house and open it. Wait, what's this? IPOD? I thought I was getting an IPHONE! Ah, man they told me IPHONE! Dang! well it is the 80 GB one and that's bigger than my Zen. Should I say something? I mean what if it's a mistake? Is that being ungrateful? Oh well no big deal at least I won a prize, right?!
So today I get to work to find a nice email from Dave in Corporate.
"I apologize for any inconvenience, but there seems to have been an error with our distributor of the prizes. Some folks were shipped the wrong prize. We will be sending you a return shipping label, please return it ASAP and we will correct"

WOO HOO!!!! It was a mistake!!! FOG BABY!!!
So I have to wait a little longer, it'll be worth it! :)

Radiate was off the hook tonight!!!(is that phrase still cool to use?) It was the season opener for Friday Night Lives! and I did the Cha-Cha-Slide! Believe me folks, it wasn't pretty! Kudos's to Pastor Josh for an awesome sermon. I think we all need one of those t-shirts he had in high school that said "Don't Fight Naked!" Ephesians 6:11-18! We got Spirit! Who wants to start the wave in "big" church Sunday!?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quote From Playwrite Aristophanes

I have a small calendar on my desk that usually has a funny quote. Yesterday's was more fitting for today
"You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner."

It's Election Day, make sure you vote in the Goobernatorial, uh, I mean Gubernatorial election.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sunday Recap

Yesterday was a good day! Church was, as usual, great! I loved Pastor Curtis' choice for songs in both services! and of course right now since I'm trying to think of them I can't!

Pastor Don spoke in the 1st service and Pastor Randy in the 2nd. It's hard to call Pastor Randy Pastor because he's like my 2nd dad! He calls me Pastor Kelley, I mean, we DO have a lot of pastors at NVMC, can't I be one too? :)

Pastor Don sang a little bit of "We've only just begun" in his message and I thought how funny is that! I just used that on my blog! I was cracking up!

Later Sunday evening I met up with some friends at Fifth Quarter - you're impressed, right?! It was a birthday celebration for a very special friend, Gary, who is turning 40! I think out of all of Christy's mens, I like him the best! :)

My IPhone is was shipped out on Friday! Hopefully, I'll have it in a couple of days. A friend that I work with asked me on Friday, "How long are we going to have to hear about this?!" I just laughed!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Oh Lucy

I am now officially not fond of basset hounds

Friday, November 2, 2007

We've Only Just Begun

Now that I have that song stuck in your head, let's talk about what it means to us! Tonight NVMC signed the contract to buy the old Showcase Cinemas. We had a special service so the whole church could witness it. I am so excited to be part of this ministry! WHAS Channel 11 News covered it and I commend them for doing an excellent job with the coverage.

I never did have the interview but I'm pretty sure it'll be next week.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I'm in the FOG

How much FOG can I have? First the iPhone now the Trunk or Treat! That's right, we won Best Team Trunk! Go RADIATE! Hopefully I'll find someone that took a picture of ours - I'm pretty mad at myself for not bringing my camera. I ALWAYS have my camera! UGH!

NVMC knows how to step up! Trunk or Treat was a huge success! Thanks to all those that participated! There were some really great trunks and from what I read we had close to 1000 people! WOW that's awesome!

Had several people come up to me last night telling me they liked reading my blog. Very cool indeed! But now the pressure is on! Note to self: "Lead an interesting life to write about.." That's not to hard, right?

I was supposed to have an interview yesterday for a new position but the interviewer had to cancel because she was sick. She said she would hopefully be able to reschedule today. I haven't heard anything yet but it's only around 9:00 AM. It would be a promotion! Pray God's will! I'll keep you informed!