Tuesday, April 29, 2008

100th !!!

So I was gonna do the whole "100 things about me" for my 100th post, but I didn't finish the list! so I'll just tell a Samantha story! My sister colored her hair today and it's red! Looks real good on her! My hair dresser is the POO!!!

Me: So do you like your mommy's hair?

Samantha: No!

Kids are so honest!
I love it!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday Recap

Church was awesome today! Freedom reigns in this place and where else in the world could you hear at a baptism service:
"I was looking for love in all the wrong places" OR
"I'm gonna bring you my weed box!"

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Conversation with Samantha

I'm on the phone with my neice Samantha:

Samantha: Are you over Maggie's?

Me: No

Samantha: How is Maggie?

Me: She's real good!

Samantha: How's Maggie's mom?

Me: She's real good too. She's gonna have another baby!

Samantha: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I saw her belly gettin big and I just knew it!

Samantha hasn't seen Maggie's mom since last summer! Sorry Maggie's mom! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Samantha!

Today is my niece, Samantha’s birthday. She is 6 years old today! When Samantha was born she gave us a real good scare. She was in the hospital for a month after she was born. She had some bleeding on her brain and some other complications but the doctors never could figure out what was “wrong”. Mmm I wonder why? She is our miracle baby and is now free and clear of any ailment! Today she is a normal (as anyone in our family could be) 6 year old little girl that loves dress up, make up and Hannah Montana!
I called her today to wish her a Happy Birthday and asked her what she wanted for her birthday. She said “Lipstick and Earwings

Friday, April 18, 2008

You Shook Me all night long....

Cause the walls start shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching

The talk around the water cooler today was "Earthquake 08"! Did you feel it? Here's my account of it...
Coney: Woof! Woof!

Inkelshead: "What the? Thunder? Is that an Earthquake? Nah, must be Fort Knox"

Coney: Woof! Woof! Woof!

Me: NO Bark, Coney!

and I turn over and go right back to sleep!

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's a cowboy lovin night....

I mean, dang, why do I sound like Tanya Tucker when I talk today? Allergies bite!

Friday, April 11, 2008

More questions?

My last blog made me think that maybe just maybe my readers have more unanswered questions that they would like answered about me. So here's your chance. Ask away...and if they are not to personal, I might answer! :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tag, I'm it!


The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
-Each player answers the questions about themselves.
-At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

What I was doing 10 years ago:
-Celebrating 5 years @ UPS
-Being in ALL 4 of my closest friend's wedding (It gave new meaning to "always a bridesmaid, never a bride")
-Partying alot

Five things on my to-do list this week:
I don't make "to do" lists

Places I have traveled:
-Tulsa, OK
-Washington DC

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
(Great minds think alike, Natalie)
-Pay tithes!
-Take care of debt. My debt, family's debt, friends' debt, strangers' debt.
-Travel, travel, travel.

Five of my bad habits:
-nail biter
-not a neat freak
-I don't make "to do" lists
-the other bad habit I had, was smoking, but I gave it up! YEA!!!!

Five places I have lived:
-Parent's place
-Sister's place
-my 1st place
-my 2nd place
-my Place (which is where I live now)

Five Three jobs I’ve had:
-Worked fast food @ Moby Dick (PEEYOU!)
-worked fast food @ Mr. Gatti's (and that's BEFORE Gatti Land!)

People I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG):
-Clay (noefool.com/)
-Amber (chucknorrislovedjesus.blogspot.com/)
-Jen (jimnjen.blogspot.com/)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Old School

Last night my sister and her kids came to church. She came because she wanted to hear Randy, Christy and I sing an old song that Randy, my mom and step mom (go ahead and try to figure that one out!) sang back in the day. If that’s what it takes to get her and the kids to come, then so be it. But here’s the reason that I blog – afterwards we all went out to eat and my niece, Samantha decides she wants to ride with me. So here’s our conversation:
Samantha: “but I didn’t even get to hear you sing!”

Me: “well that’s ok; you can hear me another time.”

Samantha: “what song did you sing?”

Me: “it’s called ‘Here they come’, I don’t think you know it.”

Samantha: “why?”

Me: “well it was written before you were born, heck, it was written even before I was born!”

Samantha: gasps! “Wow, it must be like a million years old!”

Me: laughing “yeah it must be!”

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

She ain't No Fool!

I thought about playing an April Fool's joke on my blog readers today but then knew my blog readers wouldn't fall for it because they are too smart! So I'll talk about another great thing on this first of April!
Today is the birthday of one of my best good friends! If you know her at all, you know that having her birthday on April Fool's suits her well because she's one crazy gal! And that's one of the MANY reasons why I love her! Speaking of many reasons, let me just give you a few:

  1. She loves the Lord!
  2. She's not afraid to show her emotions.
  3. She's lay it out there honest with you.
  4. She'll let your dog out to pee when you need her to.
  5. She'll buy you lunch/dinner when you have no money.
  6. She'll help you move.
  7. She'll help you paint.
  8. She'll help you clean - ANYTHING, she loves to clean!
  9. She (and her hubby) makes pretty babies!
  10. She's friendly.
  11. She'll make you laugh so hard you cry.
  12. She'll listen to you gripe about your family, but doesn't think anything different about them.
  13. She can boogie on the dance floor!
  14. She'll make you feel better when you feel blue!
  15. She's a great mom, wife, sister, daughter, niece, daughter in law and FRIEND!

I really could go on and on! I really couldn't ask for a better friend! Thanks for all you do, Leslie!