Thursday, December 25, 2008

I love this

Merry Christmas

Christmas was good this year! For the last two years, I've had Christmas @ my house, but this year we went to my aunts. Also this year, I got to go to Leslie's dad's for breakfast, which I've missed for the last two years. It was good to be with them for breakfast. They always make me feel like part of the family! I'm kinda bummed now because normally, I get a few days off after Christmas until New Year's but that didn't work out, so I hafta work tomorrow! BOO!
I'm very thankful for all my friends and family I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today was a good day! I didn't have to work. Mallory Faith was born! She weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz. Leslie is doing great! Mallory is beautiful AND she shares a birthday with my mom!
Today would have been my mom's 60th birthday.
Happy Birthday Mallory & Mom!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just one of my twelve blessings

This weekend has been very busy but I've had lots of fun! Today @ NVMC we had our Christmas Concert, Jesus Messiah. It was so awesome! Everyone that was a part of it did an excellent job! Hats off to ya!
Yesterday we had the 1st Annual NVMC Ladies Christmas Tea. The theme was from a book called The Twelve Blessings of Christmas. One of the blessings was friends. Each table had a theme and each host talked about one of the blessings. I couldn't help but think about my friends when Stephanie was talking about friends. She talked about how you know you have true friends - those are the ones that would tell you, you have a booger in your nose and true friends tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear. She said your true friends don't have to tell you they'll be there for you because you already KNOW they will be! I have a lot of friends, but I have 4 really TRUE friends! And we were able to all get together last night. We had so much fun and all we really did was sit around and talk. Sometimes, we won't see each other for weeks and sometimes months, but when we get together it's like we haven't skipped a beat. I AM truly blessed to have my four BEST good friends, Christy, Leslie, Kristie & Lori! I love each of them dearly. They all are wonderful women and my life is definitely better for knowing each of them!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

NVMC Cardboard Testimony

Well here it is - NVMC Cardboard Testimonies and as an added bonus NVMC WOW Ministries with special guest....doing God is Here mime

Cardboard Testimonies at New Vision Ministry Center from New Vision on Vimeo.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Here's Your Sign....

You might think from the title of this blog that I would be telling a funny story but not today. Today I’m going to blog about several AMAZING stories!
Yesterday at NVMC, I do believe it was the most perfect service! It was all about love, the most perfect love – God’s Love! I was so overwhelmed with emotion all morning and afternoon! After an awesome worship set and a video message from Pastor, Pastors Curtis and Charmaine sang “O how He loved us” (not sure if that’s the name of the song) and while they sang NVMCers that have been changed by God’s love each came up with a sign that stated what they had been through. Signs like “Filthy Addict”, Alone Chose Abortion” “Tried living as a woman”, “Born a Muslim”, “Face & Neck burned by House Fire” – and then on the back of every sign it was stated how God’s love changed them – “Clean & Sober for Jesus” ….now Nursery director”, “Faithful man of God”, “Born-again Christian”, “Healed and NO scars”. They just kept coming up one right after another! I was thinking last night about what if I had a sign, what would mine say? “Heartbroken & Blamed God” and then on the back “Heart 100% Mended BY God!” What would yours say?
I can’t wait for the video to come out so I can post it!