I’m in the process of I guess you could call it “finishing” my kitchen. A couple of weeks ago I painted the large wall in there, red. Then I painted my table and chairs black. I found a new picture to hang and ordered some uppercase living for 2 of the walls. I've only put up one of the uppercase living decals though. Now,I’m waiting on the cabinet and microwave stand I ordered. They are white, so I’m hoping it looks OK, otherwise I may have to paint them too! And before I put the new picture up and the other uppercase living, I have to fix the trim on the red wall – because I’m not the best painter and there may be
some, a lot of spots that don’t look so hot.
I guess you can tell from reading above that the main colors in my kitchen are red and black (if not, read again…) so Sunday night Leslie came over to help me hang the uppercase living decals and we were thinking about what all I need to do in the kitchen and she says “First thing you need to do, is get rid of the ORANGE thing over there” If you must know it’s actually a footed soup bowl with a lid that was given to me by my memaw Pearl. So it’s been hard for me to not have it out but it really doesn’t match ANYTHING. I guess I will need to put it out of sight for decorative sake, sorry memaw!
I'll definitely post some pics when I'm all finished