If you really think about it, the word Praise & Thanks are very similiar
Praise: the offering of grateful homage in words or song, as an act of worship.
Thanks: a grateful feeling or acknowledgment of a benefit, favor, or the like
I was reading through some old blogs yesterday and found this. I do think it's fitting on this Thanksgiving Day!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Praise until it stops!
Radiate was awesome tonight. Pastor Steven said something that made me think about some friends that are going through some rough stuff right now. He talked about how it's not a coincidence that right after the book of Job, the one book that everyone refers to when they are going through troubles, trials and bad times, is the book of Psalm - a book of Praise! And do you think that it's another coincidence that the longest book in the Bible is all about Praise? I think not! What were we created to do? PRAISE! He talked about how in Psalm 66:3, it says "Your enemies shall submit themselves to You" So when WE Praise, the enemies we face will submit themselves or in other words, they will STOP! When we praise, the enemy stops!
So I say to my friends, Praise! Praise Him! Praise! and when you feel like it's not working and you're hanging on by your pinky, Praise some more! Praise until IT stops!
And what's really crazy about all of this, is that I talked to this friend last night and we actually talked about Job! and about how she is reading a lot of the book of Psalm! So keep Praising and hanging on, my friend!
And WHEN it stops, Praise some more!