Let me tell you a little about my computer chair. As you can see from the pictures, it's broken. How did it get that way you ask? Well, today, I'm sitting in my chair, working on my family Christmas DVD and my phone rings. I answer and it's my friend Leslie. We start talking about this and that and I get comfortable, Coney's on my lap, I lean back and CRASH! I go to the floor, Coney lands on my nose, he jumps up and I start laughing! But not a loud laugh, you know one of those laughs where you are just breathing laughing because the WHOLE time, Leslie is STILL talking! She has no idea until I just bust out and she's all like, "what?" and by then I'm laughing so hard that I can't even tell her! and she's on the other line laughing, but not really knowing what she's laughing about because she can't understand a word I'm saying! So now look back at the pictures and picture me in them! Just so you know the arm rests were already cracked! My nose still hurts!
Dear Santa,
I need a new computer chair for Christmas!
I'm laughing all over again! I mean just looking at the chair......I wish I could have seen that. I mean I'm glad you're okay.
Looking at that literally made me laugh out loud!!! Too funny!!! I bet you could sell it on ebay and call it ergonomically correct computer chair!
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