Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Snipits

Apparently Friday night was uneventful because I can't remember what I did...
Saturday was fun. Went to D&D's for dinner. Dad bought Christopher a party sub from Subway - the boy LOVES him some Subway!!! After dinner most of us went out to Kart Kuntry. I haven't been there in years - Forgot how fun it can be! Neil likes to clip people on the side in hopes that he gets kicked off the ride - and he also gets a kick out of watching people spin out. He got my sister and nephew but not me!!! But that's probably because every time I rode, I had a child with me (he calls me a wuss, I say, I'm pretty smart!!)
Sunday, Jason Crabb was at church. It was awesome as usual. After church we went to the Ichi - I love some sushi!!! Then to the pool - I fell asleep and the back of my legs got burnt! Sitting at my desk today is not going to be fun!
Sunday night Coney, apparently thought he was competing in Iron Chef America - Battle: Rabbit, as he brought in yet ANOTHER rabbit, but this time it was just the head! UGH!! Hopefully some of the other rabbits got away and are now telling their friends not to come to my yard!
Work day Count down to vacation - FIVE!!!!

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