Friday, July 10, 2009


The Outhouse
The Tent

This past weekend I went camping with some real good friends. This was not my 1st time going with them. I went two years ago. That year I had borrowed a tent from my sister. I had no idea what kind of tent it was so when we got there and put it up, I was like “no way am I sleeping in that!” I think it was specifically made for little people and plus, the full size mattress that I had borrowed from my sister that year, would not fit in it. Not sure if I was thinking clearly that year. SO, this year, I was on it! I was asking around to see who had a nice big tent I could borrow. Luckily, another friend of mine’s brother offered up his. He said “it’s a 4-5person tent” so I was like “hot dog; I’ll have me a big ole tent this year!” Fast forward after the trip – 4-5 person tent? I think not! Tent makers lie and I think I’m going to have to invest in an 8-10 person tent! I will say that is was bigger that the previous year and it did keep me dry when it rained. All in all good times at the camping trip! Of course I could do with out the outhouses but, I do believe, I’ll be doing this every year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounded like fun. Bet that outhouse was the best scent!!

love ya
auntie jen