Monday, December 14, 2009

You will be missed!

Yesterday we found out that Pastors Curtis & Charmaine Bridgeman are starting another chapter in their journey. It's sad news for us, but I know that they are following the will of the Lord so I can't be anything but happy for them! I would like to let them know that they have taught me so much and I will miss them dearly! I wrote this blog awhile back when we were honoring our pastoral staff. It was fitting then and definitely still is!!!


Today I would like to honor Pastors Curtis & Charmaine Bridgeman. Pastors Curtis & Charmaine are absolutely the BEST music and worship leaders I have ever sat under! Not only are they super duper singers & song writers, they also know how to lead us into getting our praise on! Before I came to NMVC, even though I’d grown up in church, I never truly knew what it meant to “get my praise on”. I think that being in the choir and learning from Pastors Curtis & Charmaine helped me know how! When we practice on Tuesday nights, we don’t just learn the songs. Pastors Curtis & Charmaine teach us how to sing the song by making sure we make “ROOOUND SOOOUNDS”, and making sure we properly pronounce words like “PRAISE” instead of “PRAAIZE”. They show us how much feeling to put in the songs by telling us if they were in sitting in the crowd this is what they would look like…Pause for a mental picture (picture Pastor Curtis sitting barely clapping his hands, no emotion on his face, saying “oh that’s a lovely song”). They show us their keen sense of fashion by coordinating our colors each week! They get our minds ready for worship by bringing forth the Word during practice (seriously we practically have church sometimes!) and also by sending encouraging emails during the week. As you can see, they do way more than just “lead the singin”. I think I could probably speak for everyone at NVMC – Thank you Pastors Curtis & Charmain! Thank you for all you do for NVMC! We love and appreciate you! And I know for me personally, it’s an honor to be a part of your ministry!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where are they now if I may ask, love those two?