Monday, January 12, 2009

Feeling Better

I've been sick for almost 2 weeks and let me tell ya - I don't like it. I don't like it one bit! I'm feeling better today. I missed 3 days of work last week, which was nice but I'd rather not be sick. So I think maybe the medicine that my doctor gave me made me feel,well, BLAH - not myself, its hard to explain. I'm glad I've finished it! I'm still on antibiotics and drinking lots of orange juice!
Since I was sick, I missed church yesterday but I was able to catch it live online. It was awesome and I'm SO telling all my non church going friends and family to check it out! There were about 20 of us online yesterday - one person from Corbin, KY.
I'm very excited about Eddie James this weekend. If you've never seen him, you should really come to NVMC Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday. You WILL be blessed!
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna break down and buy an IPhone - oh how regret is settling in....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to tell you when you won that Iphone not to sell it!!!

You need to listen to your pastor every now and then