Wednesday, May 13, 2009

She's not wicked!

We were talking about Mother’s Day at work yesterday and someone asked me “Is Mother’s Day hard for you?” I told them that it used to be but not really any more. I mean don’t get me wrong, I think about my mom every day and especially on Mother’s Day but like I told them at work, I am very blessed to have Diane. You hear horror stories about wicked step moms, but that is definitely NOT the case with mine. Seriously I don’t even like calling her my “step-mom” anymore! They honored her at church Sunday. The lady at their church asked me in the middle of service if I wanted to get up and say something – but since I like to be OVERLY prepared when I “say something” I had to decline – so now that I’ve had a little time to think about it I think that I probably would have mentioned

How great she is
How much I love how she loves my dad.
I would have agreed with Lori when she said she is the rock of our family.
I would have said that she’s amazing in the way she is always so calm about stressful situations.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard her raise her voice and when there’s conflict or stress around you can always count on her to calm you down.
I know that if I am worried about something I can always call her and she can put things in perspective and make me feel better about the situation.
I love her love for music!

I know I could mention much more but maybe I'll save that for her birthday blog.....
We definitely weren’t the easiest kids to raise! And even now we can still be difficult! But I hope she knows I love her and I couldn’t ask for a better “second-mom”

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