Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Justice is served!

So I’m creeping along in traffic today as I normally do and the car in front of me, the car that is not an emergency vehicle of any kind, decides to move over to the left hand emergency lane and drive on up to avoid all the traffic and "cut line". I shake my head in disgust, but keep my composure. As traffic seems to give and we all just speed up a little, I notice that non emergency car that was in front of me still on the left hand side of the road, only he wasn’t alone! There behind him was a REAL emergency vehicle – that’s right folks, the Po-Po done pulled him over! HA!!! Sweet Justice!!!! Doesn’t he know that “Line jumping is not a spectators sport here on the Watterson in Looavul”?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a big 10-4

auntie jen